KeCert® is the solution to ensure the security and authenticity of training certificates on blockchain.

Release diplomas and certifications with KeCert®.

KeCert® gives schools and training bodies a competitive advantage on the market.

The training path of students is not provided and guaranteed by a single body anymore, the study subjects and certificates are numerous and hardly ever managed by a single institution.

Moreover, all certificates released by a Ministry have long delivery times; in between there is the student, who has completed a training path but all they have in their hands is a signed and sealed piece of paper that certificates their studies, which can be easily duplicated.

Thanks to KeCert®, training bodies can deliver the certificates to the students who complete their path, maintaining control over each step of the development process.

Again, through this system the student can use their certificate without restrictions.

What is Blockchain?

Let’s make an example

Blockchain is a public, shared and immutable digital ledger, where every transaction corresponds to the writing of a new block in the chain.

Each block contains both the information I want to record, as well as the date and time of the transaction.

A new block is added to the end of the chain, and it is impossible to modify the existing blocks or to insert a new block in between two blocks.

How does Blockchain work?

Blockchain was created to transfer Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency
  • Data is grouped in blocks.
  • Each block is linked to the next one and the previous one, just like a chain. Here is the origin of the name BlockChain!
  • Each block must be validated.
  • To do this, there are dedicated systems (called miners) which solve complex mathematical problems
  • When a block is validated, the miner continues with the validation of the next block.

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Why choose KeCert®?

KeCert® is a blockchain-based, digitizing service of certificates

The service: allows Training bodies to maintain control over each phase in the life of the certificates created; allows students to show their competences and titles achieved; allows recruiters to check independently the veracity of candidate’s statements.

Stard digitizing your documents right away

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KeCert® architecture

3 KeCert® use cases

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Do you want to know better how a Blockchain works? Or maybe see how KeCert® releases on Ethereum blockchain diplomas and certificates?
KEDOS is the ancient Greek word for CARE, aiming at creating the best environment for ideas to develop.
Kedos is a direct contributor for the development of Blockcerts, an Open source project created within the MIT

Kedos Srl

We are over 50 specialists who shared a long working path, providing computer solutions and services to improve business approach.

The added value of the software created by Kedos is grounded in a process, platform, and component library base that have been developed through time, and are constantly improved and integrated.

With KeCert® we have begun to explore the world of blockchain for the digitization of diplomas, certificates, CVs, offering a solution to guarantee the authenticity of these documents to institutes, trainers, recruiters. 

Step into the world of blockchain